
and now i'm here

since the beginning of the year, i've made a lot of changes in my life. mainly, i decided i wasn't going to wait around anymore to do the things i want to do. i've arranged my schedule so that i work the bare minimum and have lots of time to do other kinds of work that are actually fun for me. i want to write, i want to be involved in artistic communities, and eventually i want to be able to support myself in those ways.
so, i started an online business - something i can do from any city (very important). deborah jean vintage is on etsy.com right now and doing pretty well. i'm still working on making it a real shop and eventually i will move it to its own url and people all over the world will know that great vintage shopping can be done on my site.
this blog is partly for promoting the shop, partly just for me to talk about things i want to talk about. and, of course, a place for you to converse with myself and others about anything and everything - assuming you actually find this blog in the first place.
we'll see, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and LOVE your store too! Such wonderful items there... want them all! :)

I love this post. Kudos to you for rearranging your job and life so that you can have time to do things you want to do. That is very admirable and ambitious. All of the things you want to do seem so life-enriching. Go for it!

Can't wait to keep up with your endeavors... and your new vintage items!


Karen Beth :)

P.S. I sell vintage on Etsy too. My site is http://recy.etsy.com/