
a vintage idea: go to the library

all this middle east conflict and turmoil has me mighty confused - why are they fighting? who started it? who's right and who sucks? a while ago, i watched the documentary on jimmy carter about his book palestine: peace not apartheid, and briefly thought about reading the book, only to place the idea on the back burner of my endless list of things to do.

yesterday i decided now would be as good a time as any to see what a president i trust would say about all this. i was picking up my keys to drive over to barnes and noble to instantly satisfy my craving for knowledge, when i thought better of it. how have i forgotten all these years about the wonder that is the library? you don't have to scour countless used book stores hoping someone has forfeited their copy of your selection; you don't have to wait for amazon to mail it to you at the next cheapest price out there; and best of all, you don't have to trek out to a big-box book retailer, forking out the big bucks and putting your friend the used-book seller out of business!

tonight i made my lifestyle a little more eco-consumer-pocketbook friendly and saved myself a little space in the book box for next time i move. and mr. carter is about to tell me all i need to know about peace in the middle east and when the hell it might finally happen.

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